Farming Technologies


Agriculture is the growing of plants for food. Simple techniques such as using the right seed density, plant spacing, and amount of fertilisers to more sophisticated multi-tier vertical farming systems are some of the technologies shared here.

In Singapore, there are three main agricultural farm types:

  • Land-based

These types of farms grow vegetables directly on the land, using the soil to provide support and to supply some nutirents to plants, and are typically under netted growing houses. They are located in Lim Chu Kang and Sungei Tengah.

  • Indoor

Produce in indoor farms are grown in an enclosed environment, such as within a building. These types of farms have seen a rise in Singapore since 2014 when the first indoor vegetable farm was licensed. Indoor farms often grow their produce in a vertical/multi-tier system using artificial lighting and recirculating hydroponics system.

  • Rooftop

There are farms located on the rooftops of buildings such as multi-story carparks, making productive use of areas that could have been underutilised. These farms use various types of growing systems, ranging from soil-based planter beds to hydroponics systems.

List of Technical Resources

Best Practices Newsletter - LED grow light energy efficiency, quality and intensity


Guide with tips on choosing LED grow lights. Includes explanation of common terminologies such as PPFD, photon efficacy, and sample calculations to determine LED light energy efficiency. 


Best Practices Newsletter - Effect of light spectrum on leafy vegetables


Guide on light spectrum (colours of light) in LED grow lights, different wavelengths, and their importance in leafy vegetable growth.


Guide to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Singapore vegetable farms


Guide to manage pests and diseases. Includes monitoring, prevention and control, as well as description and photos of frequently seen pests and diseases.


Trial on Light-Stressed Xiaobaicai Seedlings


Study investigating the effect of light intensity on xiaobaicai seedlings. Seedlings with 25% shade was found to have the highest yield. 


Use of Biochar for Vegetable Growing

Use of Biochar.. (Thumbnail)

Study investigating biochar as basal fertiliser/soil amendment on growth of Xiaobaicai. Biochar has a high surface area, high nutrient-retaining ability and high water-holding capacity. 30% biochar addition resulted in the best growth of Xiaobaicai.
