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Search Result : 6 Record(s) found

  • Nov 26, 2019
    Award of tender for land parcels for vegetable and beansprout farming at Lim Chu Kang Press Releases
  • Aug 14, 2019
    Tender closing for 10 land parcels for food farming at Lim Chu Kang Press Releases
  • Jun 19, 2019
    SFA launches tender for 10 land parcels for food farming at Lim Chu Kang Press Releases
  • Apr 01, 2019
    Formation of the Singapore Food Agency Press Releases
  • Feb 18, 2019
    Award of tender for land parcels for general agriculture at Sungei Tengah Press Releases
  • Feb 13, 2019
    Man fined for breaching farm licensing conditions Press Releases