Food Import & Export

Seeking Accreditation of Overseas Food Sources

Seeking Accreditation of Overseas Food Sources

Meat and meat products to be exported to Singapore need to be from accredited sources.  Applications for accreditation are to be submitted through the competent authorities of exporting countries or regions.

The accreditation criteria for overseas farms and establishments are as follows. Farms/establishments should comply with the respective criteria before applying for accreditation.

File Form Document
Broiler, layer, breeder farms and hatcheries
accreditation criteria-farm
Slaughterhouses, meat and egg processing establishments
accreditation criteria-establishment

Processed food products and food appliances, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables must be obtained from establishments regulated by the overseas competent authorities. No application for SFA accreditation is required.

Please see the sections below for the relevant accreditation requirements and procedures for specific types of food.

Meat & Meat Products

Meat & meat products (including animal oil and fat) that contain more than 5% meat content will require accreditation.

Accreditation is required for all beef products regardless of percentage content.

Generally, accreditation will need to be done at 3 levels: 

  1. Country/Region
  2. Establishments of approved countries or regions
  3. Product from approved establishments

For food products with less than 5% meat content, the establishment does not need to be accredited by SFA but will need to be regulated by the Competent Authority of exporting country or region . For more information, see sub-section "Approval of Products Containing Less Than 5% Meat" below.

Accreditation of Exporting Country/Region

Competent Authorities of countries or regions seeking accreditation to export meat products to Singapore must provide the following for SFA's consideration:

  • The setup and organisational structure of the veterinary services of country or region; 
  • Copy of the legislation to control and prevent the introduction of animal diseases* in the country or region (or an excerpt in English if the legislation is not in English). 
  • Copy of the legislation governing slaughterhouses, meat processing establishments, meat inspection systems, and storage, handling and distribution of products; 
  • Licensing authority and licensing system of approved export abattoirs and meat processing establishments; and 
  • National microbiological and residue control programmes.

* These will be specific to the type of meat to be exported, e.g. pig diseases for export of pork, poultry diseases for export of poultry, etc. Exporters of beef should also submit a copy of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) dossier that was submitted by the Competent Authority to the Scientific Commission for Animal Disease of OIE for official recognition of the country or region as having a BSE “negligible” risk status or “controlled risk” status.

For more details on the exact documents required and submission format, you may refer to  Accreditation of New Countries/Regions for Export of Meat and Meat Products to Singapore.

For information on the additional conditions for export of chilled meat products, you may refer to Additional Conditions for Chilled Meat Products.

Accreditation of Establishment

Export slaughterhouses and meat processing establishments interested in exporting their products to Singapore should follow these steps to apply for SFA’s accreditation. 

Step 1. Check that the country is accredited by SFA

SFA will only consider applications from export slaughterhouses and meat processing establishments from SFA approved exporting countries/regions.

Step 2. Submit application to Competent Authority

All applications have to be submitted through the Competent Authority of the exporting country or region.

Download and complete the relevant application form in English:

Application Form For


Slaughterhouse/Cutting Plant


Canning/Processing Plant*


*Please note that the raw meat used for further processing must be obtained from SFA-approved slaughterhouses. You may use our database to search for approved overseas establishments.

Do ensure that all required documents (e.g. brochures, photographs or videos) are attached as soft copies.

Step 3. Await SFA's documentary review

The Competent Authority will verify and endorse the submission before forwarding the application to SFA for documentary review.

If the review is satisfactory, SFA may conduct an inspection visit to the exporting country or region and establishment before granting approval to the establishment to export to Singapore.

Accreditation of Product

SFA-approved slaughterhouses and meat processing establishments interested to export new products to Singapore should submit their applications through the Competent Authorities of the exporting country or region. Establishments will have to provide product-related information in their submissions, to be verified and endorsed by the Competent Authority before submission to SFA for assessment.

Change of product name of SFA-approved products

Establishments do not need to submit an application or documents for SFA's assessment for a change in the product name of a product previously approved by SFA. The Competent Authority of exporting country or region is required to inform SFA through official writing on the product name change, so as to facilitate import inspection checks.

New products manufactured on different production lines

The following information should be submitted for evaluation for each new product manufactured using different production lines from the currently approved products. Information must be verified and endorsed by the Competent Authority before submission to SFA for assessment.

  • Export history;
  • Copy of the layout plan showing the location of the new production line of the product;
  • All species of meat processed in the establishment:
  • For Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) affected countries/regions, establishments which also process beef must provide sufficient evidence of complete segregation of the different product lines to prevent cross contamination;
  • Information on species (e.g., single species, mixed species) and the type of meat used (e.g., meat cuts, minced meat, mechanically deboned/separated meat, trimmings, etc) in each product intended for export to Singapore;
  • A brief description of the processing of each new processed meat product intended for export to Singapore;
  • Quality control programmes and HACCP plan;
  • Copy of the process flow chart, which must state:
    • Critical Control Points ,
    • Duration and temperature of cooking, and
    • Core temperature of the product during cooking and the time at which the core temperature is maintained;
  • Copy of the latest microbiological test results of the finished products;
  • Coloured photographs and/or a video (in CD form) showing the various stages of processing of the products in operation;
  • Coloured photographs of the finished products with or without its packaging;
  • Copy of the product specification, including information on the shelf life, storage condition and cooking instruction of the finished products.

New products manufactured on the same production lines

The following information should be submitted for evaluation for each new product manufactured using the same production lines as currently approved products. Information must be verified and endorsed by the Competent Authority before submission to SFA for assessment.

  • A brief description of the processing undergone by each new processed meat product intended for export to Singapore;
  • Copy of the process flow chart, which must state: 
    • Critical Control Points ,
    • Duration and temperature of cooking, and
    • Core temperature of the product during cooking and the time at which the core temperature is maintained;
  • Information on species (e.g., single species, mixed species) and type of meat used (e.g., meat cuts, minced meat, mechanically deboned/separated meat, trimmings, etc) in each product intended for export to Singapore;
  • Coloured photographs of the finished products with or without its packaging;
  • Copy of the product specification, including information on the shelf life, storage condition and cooking instruction of the finished products.

Approval of Products Containing Less Than 5% Meat

An establishment does not need to be accredited by SFA to export food products with less than 5% meat content. However, it will need to be regulated by the Competent Authority of exporting country or region. The product will still need to be approved by SFA prior to export.

Step 1: Submit documents for evaluation by SFA

The following documents should be submitted to SFA for evaluation of the products to be exported to Singapore:

  • Process flow chart,
  • Information on heat treatment condition, and
  • Details on source of raw meat.

Send the documents via SFA Online Feedback Form under the category ‘Licensing – Food Trade’ to obtain approval prior to export.

Step 2:  Attach declarations by exporting food establishment and manufacturer

Every consignment must be accompanied by the exporting establishment’s declaration certifying the species of meat, source of meat, heat processing of meat and hygienic processing.

The declaration must include the following:

  • The content of ____ (species of meat), including fat, in the products is less than 5%.
  • The products have been prepared with wholesome meat derived from animals slaughtered in government approved slaughterhouses; or imported from ____ (establishment no.), _____(country/region).
  • During the course of manufacture, the meat has been subjected to _____ (◦C) for _____ min.
  • The products have not been treated with chemical preservatives or other substances harmful to public health.
  • The products have been processed in a hygienic manner and are fit for consumption.

Each consignment must also be accompanied by the manufacturer's declaration. The declaration should include the following information:

  • Product description
  • Product quantity
  • Date of processing
  • Name of consignee
  • Name of consignor

The manufacturer's declaration must be endorsed by the competent authority of the exporting country/region. Additionally, a certified true copy of the veterinary health certificate of the origin of the raw meat must be attached along with the manufacturer’s declaration (applicable only if the raw meat is imported from another country/region).

Live Poultry

Competent Authorities and Broiler Farms should seek SFA’s approval for export of live poultry (e.g. chickens and ducks), for slaughter and consumption, to Singapore.

Generally, accreditation will need to be done at 2 levels: 

  1. Country/Region
  2. Farm of approved countries/regions

Accreditation for New Exporting Countries/Regions

Competent Authorities of countries/regions seeking approval to export live poultry to Singapore must provide the following for SFA's consideration:

  • The setup and organisational structure of the veterinary services;
  • The poultry disease situation and the national programmes for control and prevention of such diseases;
  • Copy of the legislation to control and prevent the introduction of poultry diseases in the country/region (or an excerpt in English if the legislation is not in English);
  • Copy of legislation governing poultry farms;
  • Licensing authority and licensing system of approved farms;
  • National microbiological and residue control programmes on poultry; and
  • National Salmonella Enteritidis Control Programme*

*Poultry farms exporting to Singapore are required to be free of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) and should not practise vaccination as a means of control against SE.

All information must be supplied in English and softcopies must be provided to facilitate processing. 

Accreditation for Broiler Farms 

Broiler Farms interested in exporting live poultry to Singapore should follow these steps to apply for SFA’s approval.

Step 1. Check that the country/region is SFA-approved

SFA will only consider applications from poultry layer farms from SFA-approved exporting countries/regions. Currently, only West Malaysia and Indonesia are permitted to export live poultry to Singapore.

Step 2. Submit application to competent authority

All applications for SFA approval must be submitted through the Competent Authority of the exporting country or region. 

Please download and complete the following form in English: Application for export of live broilers to Singapore

Soft copies of documents (e.g. brochures, photographs or videos) should be attached.

Step 3. Await SFA's documentary review

The Competent Authority will verify and endorse the submission before forwarding the application to SFA for documentary review.

If the review is satisfactory, SFA may conduct an inspection visit to the exporting country/region and establishment before granting approval to the establishment to export to Singapore.

Fresh Table Eggs

Competent Authorities and layer farms should seek SFA’s approval for export of fresh table hen eggs to Singapore. 

Generally, accreditation will need to be done at 2 levels: 

  1. Country/Region
  2. Farm of approved country/region

Accreditation of Exporting Country/Region

Competent Authorities of countries or regions seeking approval to export table eggs to Singapore must provide the following for SFA's consideration:

  • The setup and organisational structure of the veterinary services;
  • The poultry disease situation and the national programmes for control and prevention of such diseases;
  • Copy of the legislation to control and prevent the introduction of poultry diseases in the country/region (or an excerpt in English if the legislation is not in English);
  • Copy of legislation governing poultry farms and storage, handling and distribution of eggs;
  • Licensing authority and licensing system of approved farms;
  • National microbiological and residue control programmes on eggs; and
  • National Salmonella Enteritidis Control Programme*

*Poultry layer farms exporting eggs to Singapore are required to be free of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE). If SE vaccination is practised on the farm, the vaccine must be approved for use by the competent authority in the country/region of export and the vaccine details (i.e. vaccine name, trade name, and manufacturer) must be furnished to SFA.

All information must be supplied in English and provided in softcopy to facilitate processing.

Accreditation of Poultry Layer Farm

Poultry layer farms interested in exporting fresh table eggs to Singapore should follow these steps to apply for SFA’s approval

Step 1. Check that the country/region is SFA-approved 

SFA will only consider approval applications from poultry layer farms from SFA-approved exporting countries/regions.

Step 2. Submit application to Competent Authority

All applications for SFA approval are to be submitted through the Competent Authority of the exporting country or region. 

Download and complete (in English) the relevant application form:

Application Form


Table Eggs (includes free-range eggs)

SFA Form-TableEggs

Pasteurised Shell Eggs*


*The eggs used for pasteurisation must be obtained from SFA approved layer farms.

All information and required documents (e.g. brochures, photographs or videos) should be provided.

Step 3. Await SFA's documentary review

The Competent Authority will verify and endorse the submission before forwarding the application to SFA for documentary review.

If the review is satisfactory, SFA may conduct an inspection visit to the exporting country/region and establishment before granting approval to the establishment to export to Singapore.

For Accreditation of Free-Range Eggs

“Free-range” layer farms refer to layer farms where hens have meaningful and regular access to an outdoor range in the day, during their laying cycle. The hens are also able to roam and forage outdoors.

Obtaining accreditation for export of free-range eggs

As free-range layer farms are at higher risk of Avian Influenza (AI) incursion, countries or regions interested in exporting free-range eggs must submit the information in the table below for SFA's assessment. Upon passing SFA’s assessment, i.e. if a country or region is approved for free-range egg exports, then layer farms may submit an application through their Competent Authority.

Criteria Information required from Competent Authority
Risk assessment must identify and assess the risk factors for AI specific to the country/region and to free-range egg farms there

Submission of country/region risk assessment on AI incursion in free-range layer farms, which identifies the risk factors for AI specific to the country/region

Adequate risk management measures by country/region and industry which address the higher risk of free-range layer farms

Submission of risk management measures in the country/region and the free-range layer farm industry 

Examples include national AI plan, surveillance, control and eradication programme and industry guidelines issued by government or expert panels, which address the higher risk of free-range layer farms.

Track record of table eggs imports from the country/region to Singapore  Not Applicable.  SFA will review track records of table egg imports from the country/region based on compliance rates of consignments inspected and sampled.

Track record of prompt and transparent reporting of notifiable AI outbreak to OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) 

Submission of all notifiable AI outbreaks in the past five years, with dates of initial reporting, confirmation and OIE notifications.

Processed Eggs

Competent Authorities and establishments should seek SFA’s accreditation for export of processed eggs to Singapore if the product comes in the following forms:

  • Powdered and pasteurised liquid eggs such as:
    • Whole eggs
    • Egg whites
    • Egg yolks
    • Blends of whites and yolks
  • Whole egg products such as: 
    • Hard boiled eggs
    • Whole egg omelettes
    • Salted and preserved eggs 

Accreditation will need to be done at 3 levels: 

  1. Country/Region, 
  2. Establishment of approved country/region, and
  3. Product of approved establishment

Accreditation of Exporting Country/Region

Competent Authorities of countries or regions seeking approval to export processed eggs to Singapore must provide the following information for SFA's consideration:

  • The setup and organisational structure of the veterinary services; 
  • Copy of the legislation to control and prevent the introduction of poultry diseases in the country/region (or an excerpt in English if the legislation is not in English);
  • Copy of the legislation governing egg processing establishments, and storage, handling and distribution of products; 
  • Licensing authority and licensing system of approved export egg processing establishments; and 
  • National microbiological and residue control programmes.

For more details on the documents required and submission format, please download Accreditation of New Countries/Regions for Meat and Meat Products to Singapore.

Accreditation of Establishments from Approved Countries/Regions

Egg processing establishments interested in exporting their products to Singapore should follow these steps to apply for SFA’s approval.

Step 1. Check that the country/region is SFA-approved

SFA will only consider applications from egg processing establishments from SFA approved exporting countries/regions.

Step 2. Submit application to Competent Authority

All applications for SFA approval must be submitted through the Competent Authority of the exporting country/region.

Download and complete the relevant application form in English:

Application Form

File Type

Egg Processing Plant


Salted and Preserved Egg


Softcopies of all required documents (e.g. brochures, photographs or videos) should be attached. 

Step 3. Await SFA’s documentary review

The Competent Authority will verify and endorse the submission before forwarding the application to SFA for documentary review. 

If the review is satisfactory, SFA may conduct an inspection visit to the exporting country/region and establishment before granting approval to the establishment to export to Singapore.

Accreditation of Products from Approved Establishments

SFA-approved egg processing establishments interested to export new products to Singapore should submit their applications through the Competent Authorities of the exporting country/region.

Establishments will have to provide product-related information in their submissions, for assessment by SFA. All information must be supplied in English and softcopies provided to facilitate processing. 

New products manufactured on different production lines

Egg processing establishments looking to export new products manufactured on production lines that are different from those of currently approved products should provide the following for evaluation. Information must be verified and endorsed by the Competent Authority before submission to SFA for assessment.

  • Export history;
  • Copy of the layout plan showing the location of the new production line of the product;
  • Information on species of animal which produced the egg used in the product;
  • A brief description of the processing of each new processed egg product intended for export;
  • Quality control programmes and HACCP plan;
  • Copy of the process flow chart, which must state: 
    • Critical Control Points ,
    • Duration and temperature of cooking, and
    • Core temperature of the product during cooking and the time at which the core temperature is maintained; 
  • Copy of the latest microbiological test results of the finished products;
  • Coloured photographs and/or a video (in CD form) showing the various stages of processing of the products in operation;
  • Coloured photographs of the finished products with or without its packaging; and
  • Copy of the product specification, including information on the shelf life and storage condition of the finished products.

New products manufactured on the same production lines

If a new product has been manufactured using the same production lines as those of currently approved products, the following should be submitted for evaluation. Information must be verified and endorsed by the Competent Authority before submission to SFA for assessment.

  • A brief description of the processing undergone by each new processed egg product intended for export;
  • Copy of the process flow chart, which must state: 
    • Critical Control Points , 
    • Duration and temperature of cooking, and 
    • Core temperature of the product during cooking and the time at which the core temperature is maintained; 
  • Information on species of animal which produced the egg used in the product;
  • Coloured photographs of the finished products with or without its packaging; and
  • Copy of the product specification, including information on the shelf life and storage condition of the finished products.

Fish & Fish Products

Generally, fish and fish products can be exported to Singapore from any country or region, with the exception of live oysters.  Please refer to the conditions to import fish & fish products for more information.

Requirements for export of live oysters

Export of live oysters is allowed only from approved countries or regions that maintain a National Shellfish Sanitation Programme (NSSP).

The NSSP should include details such as:

  • Classification of harvesting waters,
  • Monitoring programme and testing programme at these harvesting areas, and
  • Control or contingency plans when pathogens are detected, e.g. closure of the waters from collection and recall programme/procedures.

Competent Authorities of interested countries or regions should forward the submission and its recommendations to SFA for documentary review.