Quality Assurance and Sustainability Schemes

Singapore Good Agricultural Practice (SG GAP)


SFA encourages local farms to voluntarily adopt Singapore Good Agricultural Practice (SG GAP) standard as a quality assurance system in food production to assure consumers quality and traceable local farm produces.

Farms that comply and meet the requirements of SG GAP standard will be awarded the SG GAP certification by Singapore Food Agency.

GAP Standards

GAP is widely adopted worldwide, and Singapore encourages the adoption of SG GAP. In collaboration with agritech industry players (farm operators, technology providers and buyers), academic and research institutes, SAFEF and government agencies, SFA developed a series of SG GAP standards for different farm commodities under the EnterpriseSG - Singapore Standardisation Programme. Three SG GAP standards have been developed for the key farming operations in Singapore, namely vegetables, seafood and egg farms, and these are:

·       Singapore Standard (SS) 675: 2021 Specification for good agriculture practice 

·       SS 670: 2021 Specification for good aquaculture practice 

·       SS 676: 2021 Specification for good animal husbandry practice for layer farms 


The SG GAP are formulated to complement emerging and advanced farming systems and technologies adopted and to promote responsible farming in high productive farms and address market demand for high quality and traceable farm produces in Singapore. These SG GAP provide guidance to local farms on a holistic approach of farm management in the areas of food safety, produce quality, environmental management, and workers health, safety, and welfare. By following these SG GAP which are aligned to regional ASEAN GAP and international standards, local farms can be recognised to adopt best practices for quality assurance in agriculture, aquaculture and egg production while protecting the farm environment.


Singapore Standard – SS675: 2021 Specification for Good Agriculture Practice

The SS675 caters to all indoor and outdoor agriculture systems in Singapore for vegetables, fruits, and herbs farming. It specifies best practices from pre-production to cultivation, harvesting and postharvest handling prior to delivery. The SS675 has superseded the GAP-VF standard.

Singapore Standard – SS670: 2021 Specification for Good Aquaculture Practice

The SS670 caters to various aquaculture systems in Singapore, ranging from open-cage farming and pond farming to closed containment farming systems for fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. It specifies best practices from pre-production to production, harvesting and post-harvesting prior to delivery. The SS670 has superseded the GAP-FF standard.

Singapore Standard – SS676: 2021 Specification for Good Animal Husbandry Practice for Layer Farms

The SS676 caters to chicken layer and quail layer farms. It specifies best practices to ensure the production of safe and high-quality produce during all phases of farm operations, including pre-production (e.g. hatchery, breeder stock and pullet), production (e.g. laying stages), egg collection, and post-production (e.g. management of spent birds, etc.), while minimising impact to the environment and upholding the welfare of animals. The SS676 has superseded the SQES standard.


Certification Logo


SG GAP-certified farms are awarded with the two-star badge or SG GAP certification mark after attaining the SG GAP certification. This certification mark is a mark of quality assurance, and farmers can use it to distinguish their produce from others in the market.

Food service providers/ operators and retailers will also have the option to source for quality produce from SG GAP-certified farms. Product traceability, a feature of the certification system, further assures consumers that the produce is from reliable sources.

GAP-Certified Caixinderella Makes You Green With Envy


GAP-Certified Seabasstian Water Makes It Off-fish-ial


GAP-Certified Eggs Benedette C Rolls With Eggcellent Farming


Certification Process

To attain SG GAP certification, farm shall undergo SG GAP audit by third-party SAC accredited Certification Bodies (CBs)* and be certified to comply to the SG GAP standards. To be awarded with the SG GAP certification mark, farms shall submit an application form with the CB’s audit report and issued certificate to SFA for verification.


List of SAC accredited Certification Bodies

Certification Bodies

Accreditation Areas

Control Union Singapore Pte Ltd

· SS 670 – Specification for good aquaculture practice 

· SS 675 – Specification for good agriculture practice

· SS 676 – Specification for good animal husbandry practice for layer farms

Socotec Certification Singapore Pte Ltd

· SS 670 – Specification for good aquaculture practice

· SS 675 – Specification for good agriculture practice

Raffles International Certification Pte Ltd

· SS 670 – Specification for good aquaculture practice



* You may also visit https://sacinet2.enterprisesg.gov.sg/sacsearch/search for the list of SAC accredited CBs.

Farms are required to submit the “APPLICATION FOR SG GAP CERTIFICATION MARK” form in its application for SG GAP certification mark.

SFA supports farms in the implementation of SG GAP certification.

Assistance to SG GAP Implementation

Farms which need assistance in the implementation of the SG GAP requirements and certification can apply for Agri-food Cluster Transformation (ACT) funding under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for Capability Upgrading (CU).

The PSG for CU supports the purchase of farming equipment and systems from SFA’s pre-qualified list (link), the conduct of small-scale pilot trials to raise farm productivity, resource-efficiency and reduce pollution and waste, and the certification fees paid to CB.

Prior to SG GAP audit and certification, farm shall ensure its staff competency in SG GAP standard by participating in the respective SG GAP standard trainings


List of SG GAP-Certified Farms

Vegetable Farm

Farm Address

Plot Number

Yili Vegetation & Trading Pte Ltd

1 Neo Tiew Lane 2

Singapore 719881

176A,176B, 176C

 Netatech Pte Ltd

2G Neo Tiew Lane 1, House 6, 8, 10

Singapore 719095

 Plot 119
 GKE Agritech Pte Ltd  6 Pioneer Walk #04-01, Singapore 627751  MK06-04264T





Food Fish Farm

Farm Address

Plot Number

Aquaculture Centre of Excellence Pte Ltd


Pulau Ubin Coastal Area (PU1)

FC(I) 129E

 Atlas Aquaculture Pte Ltd

 94 Sungei Tengah Road

Singapore 699007


 Metropolitan Fishery Group Pte Ltd (Parent Company of The Fish Farmer Pte Ltd)


FC(I)124E Pulau Ubin Coastal Area (PU1) 

FC(I) 124E 



Poultry Layer / Egg Farm

Farm Address

Plot Number

N & N Agriculture Pte Ltd

1 Lim Chu Kang Lane 9A, Singapore 718845


Chew's Agriculture Pte Ltd

150 Neo Tiew Road, Singapore 719032
