Drinking water quality regulations and standards
In Singapore, drinking water is supplied by PUB and other water providers.
In order to maintain a high standard of the quality of drinking water provided by the drinking water providers to the public in the course of business, SFA has prescribed a set of water quality standards under the Environmental Public Health (Water Suitable for Drinking) (No. 2) Regulations [PDF, 75 KB]. The water quality standards prescribed under these regulations are based on international guidelines such as those established by the World Health Organisation (Geneva).
Drinking water providers may refer to the Circular on Provision of Drinking Water [PDF, 146 KB] on their responsibilities in relation to the above legislation administered by SFA.
For assessment of the quality of water suitable for drinking, SFA has also issued guidelines, which can be assessed here.
Under the provisions of the Environmental Public Health (Water Suitable for Drinking) (No. 2) Regulations, certain categories of drinking water providers (e.g. those which produce drinking water) are required to prepare water sampling and safety plans in accordance with the Code of Practice on Drinking Water Sampling and Safety Plans [PDF, 560 KB].