Co-creating our shared vision for productive and sustainable aquaculture in Singapore
Co-creating our shared vision for productive and sustainable aquaculture in Singapore

The Singapore Aquaculture Plan (SAP) aims to develop the capability and capacity of Singapore’s aquaculture industry to ensure sustainable and productive local seafood production. It was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement via workshops, field trips, and overseas study visits to learn from global best practices and operational challenges.

09 Dec 2024
Spotlight on the Singapore International Agri-Food Week 2024: Key Highlights
Spotlight on the Singapore International Agri-Food Week 2024: Key Highlights
The Singapore International Agri-Food Week (SIAW) returned for its fourth year, drawing a turnout of around 12,000 participants from 18 to 22 November 2024. This year's theme, Scaling Innovation in Asia’s Agri-Food Systems, sparked discussions and collaborations aimed at advancing agri-food technology across the region. Let’s recap the key highlights from the week’s events!
27 Nov 2024
SAFEF’s CEO Ken Cheong shares insights from Australia’s sustainable aquaculture experience
SAFEF’s CEO Ken Cheong shares insights from Australia’s sustainable aquaculture experience

In June 2023, a Singapore delegation took a trip to Southern and Western Australia to learn about sustainable aquaculture practices. Mr Ken Cheong, Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Agro-Food Enterprises Federation, offers his insights.

15 Dec 2023
The Marine Aquaculture Centre at 20: Raising the standard of local aquaculture, envisioning a more sustainable future
The Marine Aquaculture Centre at 20: Raising the standard of local aquaculture, envisioning a more sustainable future

The Marine Aquaculture Centre's pioneering role as a research and development hub in tropical marine aquaculture has supported the sector's growth in Singapore. With two decades of achievements, the Centre now aspires to be a regional research and innovation hub that shapes the future of sustainable tropical marine aquaculture.

29 Sep 2023
Riding the Waves of Innovation
Riding the Waves of Innovation

Seafood is a popular choice of protein and with climate change, sustainable aquaculture looks set to increasingly become an important source of food. What does Singapore’s aquaculture industry need to do to realise its full potential?  

31 Mar 2023