Singapore farmers
Nurturing the local agri-food sector with SG Fresh Produce logos and the AfA on Local Produce Demand Offtake and Consumer Education
Nurturing the local agri-food sector with SG Fresh Produce logos and the AfA on Local Produce Demand Offtake and Consumer Education

Strengthening Singapore's food security requires a collective effort, where consumers and businesses both play essential roles by supporting local produce. The SG Fresh Produce logos and the recently concluded Alliance for Action (AfA) on Local Produce Demand Offtake and Consumer Education are some of the ways we are encouraging increased offtake of local produce.

25 Mar 2024
SAFEF’s CEO Ken Cheong shares insights from Australia’s sustainable aquaculture experience
SAFEF’s CEO Ken Cheong shares insights from Australia’s sustainable aquaculture experience

In June 2023, a Singapore delegation took a trip to Southern and Western Australia to learn about sustainable aquaculture practices. Mr Ken Cheong, Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Agro-Food Enterprises Federation, offers his insights.

15 Dec 2023
The Marine Aquaculture Centre at 20: Raising the standard of local aquaculture, envisioning a more sustainable future
The Marine Aquaculture Centre at 20: Raising the standard of local aquaculture, envisioning a more sustainable future

The Marine Aquaculture Centre's pioneering role as a research and development hub in tropical marine aquaculture has supported the sector's growth in Singapore. With two decades of achievements, the Centre now aspires to be a regional research and innovation hub that shapes the future of sustainable tropical marine aquaculture.

29 Sep 2023
Hatching Plans for a Secure Supply of Eggs
Hatching Plans for a Secure Supply of Eggs

Why “don’t put your eggs in one basket” is a common refrain when bolstering our food resilience.

23 Feb 2023
Growing Relationships with Singapore’s farms
Growing Relationships with Singapore’s farms

Like food, relationships take time to grow, and SFA account manager Jasper Toh shares his experience as he works alongside local farms to strengthen Singapore’s food security.

27 Dec 2022