Advisory on Scams and Fraudulent Activities

Scams have become pervasive in our daily lives. Some involve misrepresentation of Government agencies or impersonation of Government officers to trick users into making fund transfers or sharing their personal information and passwords.   

The Government takes the problem of scams very seriously and adopts a multi-pronged approach which includes:

        i.        detection and disruption through safeguards in Government Digital Services

      ii.         active enforcement

     iii.         prevention through public education and awareness. 

Tackling scams require the close partnership between the Government and the community. SFA would like to advise the public to stay vigilant and protect yourselves from scams. If in doubt, please contact SFA directly to clarify or report any suspicious activities misrepresenting SFA.

Be alert to the following signs:

Scammers may call, message, or email claiming to be an SFA officer and request for payment or fund transfer to be made via non-SFA official channels.

How to Stay Safe:
Ensure that the request is from SFA official channels, i.e. emails with the sender’s email address spelt correctly and end with “”

SFA will NOT request for payment or fund transfers via personal emails or automated voice messages or to be made to individual officers. 

If you receive a request for payment or fund transfer for something that you are unsure of, do not make the payment and check with SFA immediately.

Scammers often send mass emails or messages to large groups of people hoping that someone responds. The emails may include links or attachments that when opened, will infecot a user’s device with malware and steal their data.

How to Stay Safe:

Look out for suspicious links, attachment names and file types. If the link and/or attachment is for something you have no recollection of or uses an uncommon file type such as .exe, do not click and trash it.  

Users who come across contracts bearing SFA logos that are sent by non-SFA officers or via non-SFA channels are advised to contact SFA to verify its authenticity.

For more information on scams, please visit or call the Anti-Scam Helpline at 1800-722-6688.

How to spot signs of phishing

How to spot signs of phishing

For more cybersecurity tips, please visit the GoSafeOnline website.

Source: GoSafeOnline